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Testing for Learning Disorders (Kids and Teens)

What ages does the Center for CBT do testing for learning disorders?

  • Ages 5-18

What are the benefits of getting a thorough Learning Disorder assessment for my child?

  • Figure out why difficulties in school are happening

    • Determine the root of why a child is struggling in school.

  • Identify your child's unique abilities and learning challenges

    • Our testing process gives you a deep understanding of your child’s learning profile, including specific areas that need to be targeted through further intervention, as well as their unique strengths. 

  • Accurately diagnose learning disorders

    • Sometimes, your child’s learning difficulties may mimic or co-exist with other disorders. We will examine the cognitive, academic, and behavioral/emotional strengths and weaknesses to determine whether your child meets criteria for a learning disorder (e.g., dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia) or another psychological disorder (e.g., ADHD).

  • Obtain clear recommendations for school, home, and effective treatment

    • The results of the evaluation are provided in a thorough report that includes detailed information for the development of an effective treatment plan and evidence-based recommendations across both home and school settings.

    • If the results of the evaluation suggest that your child would benefit from either a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP), we will provide clear, individualized, and evidence-based strategies that you can share with your child’s school team. 

What are the benefits of getting an evaluation conducted by a state-certified school psychologist? 

  • Our state certified school psychologists can support the identification of educational disability categories (e.g.,  Specific Learning Disability, Other Health Impairment, and Emotional Disturbance, etc.) and giftedness, as outlined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), in addition to providing a psychological diagnosis.

  • If the results of the evaluation suggest that your child would benefit from either a 504 Plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP), we will provide clear, individualized, and evidence-based strategies that you can share with your child’s school team.

    • It should be noted that your school district is required to consider the information included within an outside evaluation.  They then determine the extend to which they apply the recommendations based on their own review and discussion.

What does a learning disorder evaluation at the Center for CBT entail?

  • Evaluation appointments are typically scheduled over the course of two mornings (approximately 3 hours each morning). The evaluator will first gather detailed information from the child, their parents/guardians, and their teacher(s). Then, the evaluator will work one-on-one with the child to do some specific testing (which will feel and look like engaging activities for the kids/teens). 

  • Our assessment specialists are uniquely dedicated to making the evaluation process fun, upbeat, and rewarding for kids.  They will be provided with positive reinforcement and structure throughout every step of the process. 

  • Each assessment is tailored to the client, but a typical assessment includes: 

    • In-depth clinical interviews with the child and parents.

    • Consultation with teachers.

    • IQ assessments (WISC-V).

    • Academic achievement assessments (e.g. WIAT-4, KTEA-3) in the areas of reading, writing, and math. Additional areas may include: phonological processing, academic fluency, orthographic processing, and oral language skills.

    • Additional standardized assessments, if necessary, that further examine the underlying cognitive, linguistic, and neurodevelopmental processes that support proficient reading, writing, and mathematical skills.

    • Neuro-psychological assessments (D-KEFS, NEPSY).

    • Rating scales to assess social, emotional, behavioral, and academic functioning across settings (BASC-3, BRIEF-2, Conners-4). Parents and teachers will also be asked to complete these rating scales.

    • A live behavioral observation in the school setting to assess the child’s engagement and off-task behaviors. 

  • After the evaluation is completed, the evaluator will schedule a feedback session with the family to review results, diagnoses, and treatment recommendations.

  • From start to finish (intake to feedback session), our process is typically around 6-8 weeks, so you can get answers about your child quickly and be able to act on them right away.

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